Zoetica Ebb - Page 2

Zoetica Ebb has 552 articles published.

Sparkles and Spice

“How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”  – Dr. Seuss It’s December and I suddenly miss this place. It seems with the end of the year approaching, I’m slowing down with as much tenacity as when revving up in spring. But reflection isn’t the point of this update, that’s for another time. Today is …

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Sorbet Spring in Windsor

Someone recently asked me when I moved to London and it made me pause. Though we arrived in late November, it feels like it’s been just a few months. Perhaps it’s because the fist two months were spent touristing around town from our temporary apartment, or because we just built the final piece of furniture for our new semipermanent home two weeks ago – whatever the case, London didn’t really feel like we live in it until we returned from …

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Art, Science and Immortality at the Morbid Anatomy Museum

Last week, I decided to stop by the Morbid Anatomy Museum during a 48-hour trip to NYC. As a long-time reader of the Morbid Anatomy blog –a veritable wunderkammer of antique scientific illustration, among a multitude of macabre treats–, I was elated when the Kickstarter-funded physical museum opened its doors last year. A walk across Brooklyn offered the opportunity to finally have a look around. I didn’t have time to research before my visit, and was surprised to discover no permanent collection, per …

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Disembarking the Torpedo: Goodbye 2015

It’s time to say do svidanja to 2015! If you’ve been here a while, you know I’m something of a Russian traditionalist, in that I take the weeks leading up to New Year’s Eve seriously. Resolutions, deep–cleaning wherever home is at the moment, purging whatever is no longer needed – I’m into the lot of it. I love big fluffy holiday ferns and presents, and end-of-ear blog posts, too. The past twelve months have been so intense, writing this was no small feat. Get cozy, comrades, this is …

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Alien Botany is Going to Japan!

Yesterday, I may have looked a little funny as I carried a Very Big Box across downtown San Mateo, but it didn’t matter because I had a mission. My destination: the post office. The box’s destination: Masumoto city, Japan. I’m supremely delighted to announce that if the box in question reaches its destination safely and you live near Nagano, you’ll be able to buy Alien Botany leggings at Schrödinger’s Closet in a few weeks. I’m honored to be included in this boutique’s …

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Strange Encounters – Alien Botany Lands Again

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The afternoon shadows are getting longer. The nights approach a little faster each day. Something is in the air, and it’s not just autumn’s steps, it’s…. A massive object hurling towards Earth, exploding into confetti of otherworldly tendrils and black spandex mid-air! A strange creature emerges. Behold, as she explores this alien terrain! Say goodbye to preorders, fellow cosmonomads! At least this time, because Toxic and Void Alien Botany leggings are now in the shop, in a very limited edition, …

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Photo Flurry: Our Botanical Wonderland Wedding Party

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We were featured on A Practical Wedding! Click here to see more photos and read about the technical aspects of planning an overseas party. Around this time last August, G and I drove across most of the Croatian coast during our honeymoon, starting in Peroij and island-hopping our way to Zadar, from where we took the coastal route to Dubrovnik. Rewind a few more months to our wedding: a private ceremony at the Ljubljana Castle in January of last year. No friends …

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Photo Flurry: Red Planet

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It was already after five in the desert. Approaching Arches national park in the rented Toyota, we were suddenly surrounded by rainbows. Or had the rainbows been following us? I was sure I’d seen two across a great Utah expanse earlier that day. We rushed against advancing night. The late afternoon sun made the sandstone glow fire-red and, out of season, the mostly vacant, blazing sprawl was probably the closest I’d been to seeing Mars. Against bright blue sky, these colossi had little in common with the names people …

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Style Dispatch 028: Ode to Jumpsuits

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Esteemed Patreon patron, Danika, recently won one of our raffles and requested a Style Dispatch featuring my beloved waxed denim jumpsuit. This is one of my favorite garments to date, in part thanks to its resilience, in part because of its exaggerated shape. I’ve loved and collected jumpsuits for many, many years. They’re super-utilitarian supervillain fare and they solve the questions of top and bottom in one go, which is all I really want from a garment. My early jumpsuits came to …

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Over the Wall

Last week, we packed a couple of suitcases, loaded into a rental, and headed for the hills. It had been a while since my last cross-country road trip, which I remember only vaguely as a breakneck race to Salt Lake City, where I writhed my way through a butoh-inspired performance, then rushed back to LA without seeing much of anything. It was high time for a new Great American Expedition, and G attending a conference in Aspen meant the time …

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Photo Flurry: Gasper’s Birthday Feast

What better occasion to break my blog-fast that my Gašper’s birthday feast? I began celebrating at midnight the previous day, actually, surprising him with the return of his treasured watch, battery replaced and set in accordance with daylight savings. The next afternoon, while he was at work, expecting a light sushi dinner in the evening, I raided the nearby market for fondue supplies. Don’t let G’s elvish appearance fool you, the man is a cheese beast, and had been talking …

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Chalk-drawing Robot Unveiled at The Interval

G and I had a lot of fun last night, checking out the unveiling of a new addition to The Interval salon – Otto, the chalkboard drawing robot. The Interval is one of the recent projects by the folks at The Long Now – the remarkable organization of innovators and preservation enthusiasts responsible for The Rosetta Project, Clock of the Long Now and The Long Bet Project, among others. The Long Now Foundation’s aim is to cultivate slower, long-term thinking …

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Published: Clear to the Marrowbones and Black Mirrors

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Over the moon to have these chimerical photos published in the “Blood” issue of the gorgeous Giuseppina Magazine. Clint and I have been friends for eight years this year, comrades and confidantes across oceans of time, and regular oceans, too. Eight years, eerily like the characters in the editorial’s namesake poem by Sparrow13. An excerpt: me and him know each other clear to the marrowbones and black mirrors by now me and him go on anyway eight years or twenty …

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Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity, etc.

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Hello, world. I write this from that there chaise, with Micron nestled under my arm and morning California sunshine beaming through the windows. It’s been two weeks since we signed the lease for our American apartment and it’s beginning to feel like home. When we got to northern California, it was a little like the Dublin move (we had no idea where we’d end up), but also very different, because we now know a lot more about what type of …

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