Zoetica Ebb - Page 4

Zoetica Ebb has 552 articles published.

Alien Botany Gets Serious with Patreon

Last Monday, I launched a page on Patreon, focused largely around my ongoing Alien Botany project and this blog. I hadn’t made much noise about it online because I wanted to feel things out first, and so far it’s been an overwhelmingly positive and brain-tickling experience. As I say on the page, Patreon offers something that’s part old-school patronage we can actually afford and part art coven, with secret blogs, special stuff (like patrons-only Crystal Cat postcards) and occasional face …

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Mail Day, Happy Day!

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A moment of snail-mail zen, brought to you by my dear friends Annah and Sam, whose surprise packages turned what was about to be a Very Annoying Monday into a wonderful day. Unbeknownst to my friends, I’d been in dire need of both skincare stuffs and a tote bag for my weekly trips to the organic market, and too busy to deal with either of these matters. Through the power of what I can only assume is serious comrade voodoo, …

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Skulls, Stuffed Dogs and an Owl – 48 Hours in the UK

On Thursday, I creaked out of bed at 3AM, put on a semblance of a face, and zoomed to the airport to catch the 6:30 flight to Manchester. It was my first time in Manchester, I hadnt’s seen the UK in ages, and that night, my friend Paul Koudounaris had his first European photography exhibit – in a church, no less! If you’re unfamiliar with Paul’s work, have a stroll around his wiki page and adjoined linkage. You might also …

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Alien Botany Blooming

Spring is here and my intergalactic flower garden is blossoming. Here is a sneaky peek to tickle your eyes while Ada and I work behind the scenes (and maybe duck around the corner to let out a happy squeal, but didn’t hear that from me, no).

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Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Dublin

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The first half of today was spent perched in the window of a pub in Dublin city center, sampling whiskey and watching the Saint Patrick’s Day parade. Ours was arguably the best seat in the the entire establishment, the whiskey was fantastic, the parade was appropriately ostentatious, and the brisk, twenty-five-minute walk home was the cherry on a perfect afternoon. I took a plethora of photos which you can see below, mostly focusing on costume details and entertaining onlookers. Enjoy! …

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A Weekend in Galway

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It’s been just over a week since the big Biorequiem relaunch. Big thanks are in order for the warm reception and feedback I’ve received – you’ve helped make this a most enjoyable homecoming! Since my previous post, I’ve been busy signing and shipping the new Alien Botany prints, and am pleasantly surprised to let you know that Toxic Desiderius Papilionem is almost gone from the shop – there are just six of these prints left. We spent this past weekend in …

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From the Ashes

Hello and welcome! After too much time spent in code purgatory, the new Biorequiem.com is risen! This version features a responsive one-page design, a new Projects section, new art in the shop, and other features I’ll leave you to explore on your own. Please, have a look around and let me know what you think – I’d love to hear from you. We’re still updating the galleries, so stay tuned!

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A Joycean Christmas Dinner

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I refuse to post anything on my website until it’s redesigned, so here is an album of my photos from last night’s sparkling, wine-drenched Joycean Christmas dinner. Feasts devoured, intellects tickled, the senses indulged in full. We’ve spent most of today in bed and I still have glitter in my hair, so I hope you’ll forgive the lack of full report, and read the official event description to get an idea of what happened, instead. Suffice to say, this was one of the …

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Photo Flurry 130 – Igor and The Reaper

T’was Hallow’s Eve in Dublin and we planned on taking pictures of the decorated houses in our neighborhood… …but realized that painting our faces and scaring children was a significantly better idea. A few photos happened, anyway, between throwing candy, lurking and dropping in on our unsuspecting neighbors (who both just happened to be wearing pig onesies, so…). Also, I did a pretty kick-ass ten-minute job on Gašper’s face using only my Naked palette from Urban Decay: My Reaper look …

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Photo Flurry 129 – A Day in Neolithic Ireland

Caption Test

On Monday, Gašper and I bundled up and took advantage of the bank holiday (a concept I’m still struggling to comprehend) and joined a tour to the Hill of Tara and Newgrange – both magical parts of ancient Irish history. I suggest that those who are unfamiliar with these places read up on Wikipedia – it will be better-researched and more informative  than anything I could jot down here in the little time I have. What I can give you are …

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Photo Flurry 128 – Crumbling Glass Factory in Fažana

This is the gloriously decrepit abandoned building I mentioned in my previous post. It’s a former glass factory that’s now home to skating competitions and other indie events, though probably not for much longer – this place is literally falling apart. You can read a little bit more about it here, at the website of the now-defunct Fažana Skate Film Festival.   (Examining a neat bug.) s

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Photo Flurry 127 – Twenty Four Hours in Croatia

At the end of my first week in Slovenia, Gašper and I packed our swimming gear and headed to Peroj – a seaside village in Istria, Croatia. Since the EU-fication of Slovenia and Croatia, crossing the border means handing your passport to a couple of laid-back guards and getting waved across, without ever leaving your car. Though the driving distance between the center of Ljubljana and the Croatian seaside is about two hours, the difference in the two countries natural surroundings (soil …

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Alkonost Giclée Prints Are Here!

Click the images to see them bigger, or click here for photos of the original drawing. Alkonost 8.5″ x  8.5″ Archival gicleé on velvety, acid-free, 100% cotton fine art paper $40 The Alkonost is, according to Russian mythos and folklore, a creature with the body of a bird but the head of a beautiful woman. It makes sounds that are amazingly beautiful, and those who hear these sounds forget everything they know and want nothing more ever again. (Source.) A few weeks …

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Photo Flurry 126 – Wild Plums and Fluffy Clouds in Slovenia

As a crash course in Slovenian topography, Gašper took me on a driving tour. In one day, we experienced the countryside, castles, mountains, winding forest roads and rivers, further fostering my quickly-multiplying affection for this place. Our first stop, the 13th century Turjak castle: The castle was officially closed to visitors that day, but the charming elderly groundskeeper kindly let us into the courtyard and showered us with trivia all the while. This gigantic linden tree at the castle gates …

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In Brief: The Secret Guide and Outside the Lines

Outside The Lines: An Artists Coloring Book I was invited to be part of this amazing, unique project, and if you know awesome kids (or any awesome people, really), you need it, stat. It’s been a pleasure watching Outside the Lines come together, and I’m proud to have one of my early Alien Botany drawings included alongside so many fantastic artists. I don’t have my copy yet, but here’s my friend Verdell’s photo of my contribution, from the book launch party: …

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