Zoetica Ebb - Page 16

Zoetica Ebb has 552 articles published.

Blush Response 016 – Blazing Eyes

Continuing the recent red theme, here is a fiery eye shadow look I did over the weekend for the Jessica Joslin opening reception at La Luz De Jesus gallery. At a glance, it’s somewhat similar to the Strung Out look from a earlier this year, but this is actually much warmer and a little more complex. This is a dramatic look that incorporates four different eyeshadow colors, but it’s actually pretty easy to execute. We start out with a bright …

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Five Days left in Halloween-time Print Sale!

Just a quick heads-up – there are now only five days left to buy these limited-edition, inky-black-and-paper-white prints. Until November 7th only, Mommy-four-legs and Snake Charmer are in the Biorequiem shop, ready to become your best friends [or gifts for your friends]. Pick one up, or get them together as a set and save. The choice is yours!

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Blush Response 015 – 10-Minute Bruises

A few years ago, I worked as a professional make-up artist. My passion was for special effects, and every once in a while I get to play with the skills I learned in those days. This year, I was too busy to plan a Halloween costume. Originally I wanted to dress as Pris from Blade Runner, then realized that Hot Topic no longer sells micro-mesh tops and didn’t have enough time to investigate further. Fail. However, since I was going …

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Photo Flurry 053: David J Haskins

Four of the several photos I shot of David J at The Standard hotel downtown, for the interview Mer conducted this summer. The full shabang is up on Coilhouse today. An excerpt from the intro: … for now, he’s holding court at our corner table, and he’s got Zo and I doubled over in helpless fits of laughter. As our cackling reaches a crescendo, fellow patrons look up from their $20 cheeseburgers in confusion. Perhaps this pale, slim, soft spoken …

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Photo Flurry 052: Skingraft at LAFW

Still busy, however! Last week, Clint Catalyst and I jumped into a rented Escalade, zoomed downtown, haphazardly strapped Clint into a chain harness [these things are unrelated], and attended what was likely LA Fashion Week’s best night: the Ashton Michael, Skingraft, and Anthony Franco triple threat show. Coverage here, a few pictures below, and more after the jump. Do enjoy! The upstairs lobby of the gorgeous LA Stock Exchange was transformed into a glowing bar, serving up popcorn, tiny cupcakes, …

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Sketch by Cameron Stewart

This is all kinds of great: a drawing by Eisner-winning artist Cameron Stewart, who was kind enough to send me the hi res [on advice of A at NYCC]. It’s based on this photo of me by Allan Amato from a couple of years back. Love! You can see more of Cameron’s stuff here: http://cameronstewart.blogspot.com/

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Inkdrops 015 – Limited Edition Halloween Prints!

Ladies and gents, step right up and take a look at these fantastical Halloweenie sights. See! Women who control snake-beasts with their beauty. Admire! Their poised power. Possess! Prints of wild-eyed dark temptresses. In honor of my favorite holiday, I’m releasing the mysterious [and dangerous] Snake Charmer, AKA “Infect” from Coilhouse 04, as a limited edition print. This print is available for two weeks only, beginning one week before and ending one week after Hallow’s Eve. 8.5×11″ velvet photo rag …

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Please Stand By

I know it’s tumbleweed city around here right now, but, as always, this lull shall pass. I’m busy with Coilhouse operations, shooting a lot for SG, as well as taking care of our home and my ever-fickle health. I hope to appease you with an art poll, a collage of recent webcam pics and video of a lovely girl modeling one of my Wiloh tees for their catalog. First, the poll. my last print offer went very well, so I …

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Inkdrops 014 – I’m the Featured Designer at WILOH

The new Wiloh line launched on 10.10.10 as promised! If you’re just tuning in, Wiloh is a neat-o company that donates a T-shirt for every T-shirt sold to K.I.D.S. – Kids In Distressed Situations – in a ‘Tee for Tee’ Initiative.  Here’s my contribution to this project, Dissociation: Right now there is just one style available on the site, with my art on a white America Apparel V-neck, but! We expect two more styles to arrive within a few days: …

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T-shirts, T-shirts, TEE-SHIRTS

Mein droogs! Coilhouse Issue 06 hustle, among other hustles, is upon us, as you may have guessed by the radio silence. Mer, Nadya and I are  working around the clock on the magazine and some awesome new Coil-merch, too, which we’ll be revealing very soon. Meanwhile, I thought I’d interrupt this interruption to quickly let you know about some hawtt T-shirt action. Molly Crabapple’s second round of designs for Dirtee Hollywood is coming soon, and includes a shirt with a …

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Wednesday is the New Monday

Not really, but I had an ever-so-slightly debaucherous weekend, which launched me into an especially busy week, which is why this post is so late. But I haven’t forgotten! To be honest, I was surprised so few peeps shared goin’ out sans maquillage photos. Did some of you falter or just forgot? It’s OK, I can certainly understand. Me, I reveled in the “It’s No Make-up Week!” excuse and loved taking fifteen minutes to get ready to go out, for …

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Blush Response 014 – No Make-up Week, Day 5

No Make-up Week is almost over. Already!? It’s been my most rewarding week of blogging on Biorequiem, and I’m infinitely grateful to Rachel of RabbitWrite for inviting me to participate, and everyone who had the chutzpah to share photos and speak up about their relationship with make-up, even when that meant digging up old fears and nasty experiences. I didn’t expect to have such an honest, raw and thoughtful response, so THANK YOU!  Seriously getting verklempt over here. And though …

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