Zoetica Ebb - Page 18

Zoetica Ebb has 552 articles published.

Hello, Fall! Time For a Little Biorequiem Housekeeping

Photo by A Fact: I love getting Thank You notes. The Turquoise Tart tip-toed over my threshold just a day or so past, looking very demure in her mailing envelope.  Once freed though, she was revealed to be a  sparkling creature still shimmering from her seraglio (or so it seemed), & i swear she winked. Just once. It’s a lovely print, thank you so much. Fact: I almost never have time to write them, so here is a a big, …

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Style Dispatch 013 – San Francisco Fly-by

Last week, on the day I was leaving for San Francisco, photographer Lydia Hudgens reached out to me about shooting one of my Style Dispatches.  Though my bags were already packed, I’d literally just seen and dug her photos of my friend Gala, so I agreed. Which reminds me! Photographers: if you’re in LA and want to shoot one of these installments, email me. I’d forgotten how fun it is not shooting them myself. In a way, I preferred it …

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Six Days Left to Buy Turquoise Tart

Just a quick reminder that Turquoise Tart, the “Infect” section header for Coilhouse Issue 05, disappears from the shop in six days. Click here to go to get it now! And while we’re all here, a preview from the shoot with Lydia Hudgens I squeezed in between raping and pillaging San Francisco: John Fluevog witch shoes Holy leggings Nylon dress Bag by Junior Drake Clear eyeglass frames More to come!

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Photo Flurry 044 – Creepin’ North

Packing my little suitcase and heading to San Francisco for a few days. If you know of awesome places or events I should be attending, do let a sistah know. The other night, after dancing for a while Also, was just sent this and had to document it, before the murdering begins:

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Interrogation Station 005

Interrogation Station is here to answer questions from YOU. To give it a go, just submit a question through my Formspring page. You can ask anything you like, it doesn’t have to be about style or art. All I request is that you check out my FAQ and previously asked questions beforehand. I can’t guarantee that I’ll get to every single question, but I will certainly try. You can see previous installments of I.S. here. This I.S. is all about …

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Bleach Bomb

Yesterday, I looked in the mirror and KNEW. The hair, it had to go. The color, too. The cut took about 45 minutes, the color [or lack there of] about an hour and half. It’s still not done – I didn’t want to burn my scalp, so the back is baby chick yellow for now, but it’s close. I used cheap-o clippers, which I had to take apart and put back together halfway through the process, on the sides and …

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Photo Flurry 042 – Disneyland Adventurefuns!

When you get together with out-of-town friends, it best be memorable. This is precisely why I decided to join my usually remote comrades Gala, Nubby, Amy, Kevin, and Danielle at Disneyland. It had been years since my previous visit, so I really wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew there would be rides and crowds, but would I still have fun after the initial shock of colors and people wore off? I took a billion photos [we all did, naturally] …

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Photo Flurry 041 – Quick Robbie Update! Mustache!

Today is a big fat Ikea day, starting in about an hour so this is just a quick update to say that a kind young lady heard about Robbie, the chow/border collie mix, through Biorequiem, and has now met and expressed interest in adopting him. If all goes well, Robbie will be moving by the end of the week. Thank you again to everyone who has offered suggestions and helped get the word out! I’ll update again if there’s any …

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Interrogation Station 004 – Rapid Fire

Interrogation Station is here to answer questions from YOU. To give it a go, just submit a question through my Formspring page. You can ask anything you like, it doesn’t have to be about style or art. All I request is that you check out my FAQ and previously asked questions beforehand. I can’t guarantee that I’ll get to every single question, but I will certainly try. You can see previous installments of I.S. here. First of all, a huge …

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Save Robbie! Adora-dog Needs New Home by Friday

A break from our regular programming, folks, as this is a bit of an emergency. If you’re in or new Los Angeles, please listen up and take a moment to think if you know anyone who could help. This is Robbie. Robbie was adopted by our landlord a couple of months ago, before he realized that the pup is too big to play with his 5-year old kid, and vice versa. Now, Robbie needs a new home, by Friday. He’s …

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Photo Flurry 039 – Good Morning, August

Just a quick dispatch to greet the coming week with a picture I took yesterday at Rattlesnake Park during one of Lou O’Bedlam‘s infamous photo-gatherings. It was a day of bagels, mimosas, grasshoppers, and, yes, rattlesnake sightings.  For Amanda and me it was also a day of hiking, and sliding down, impossibly steep hills covered in dried vines to get the shots we wanted. A fine day. Click the image to see it a little bigger.

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Photo Flurry 038 – Best Mothras ever!

Today is my mom’s birthday. Yep, our birthdays are less than a week apart! This is my mom, pictured here with a wild beast: I love this picture. Happy birthday, Mothra! Enjoy cavorting in Laguna Beach! Coincidentally, when I walked over to the post office today to ship art prints, there was a package from the Czech Republic waiting for me. O double-glorious day! A’s mom has been back from India for over a month now, and she brought back …

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Blush Response Q & A

Q: I’m an albino and it seems nigh on impossible to find a foundation to suit me. I was using the lightest shade by Lorac but I find it’s simply too sheer and I would very much like more coverage. (I’m 37 and my skin hates me.) A: Your skin does not hate you! Might I recommend Lancome’s Ageless Mineralé in Ivory 10 or Ivory 20? Super-light and offer full coverage! Both appear lighter than Bare Escentuals’ Fair,  but Lancome …

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