Zoetica Ebb - Page 17

Zoetica Ebb has 552 articles published.

Blush Response 013 – No Make-up Week, Day 4

Today, let us take a break from writing and indulge in a visual feast. In honor of No Make-up Week, I was going to dedicate this post to different types of gorgeous make up artistry out there, but instead I’m giving it all it to Eric Lafforgue. Eric is living one of my dream lives as a full-time photo journalist and his work has been making me swoon ever since I joined Flickr a few years back. In his travels, …

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Blush Response 012 – No Make-up Week, Day 3

Last week I received this email: Title: I had a girlfriend who penciled in her eyebrows Body: and you would both look a million times better if you didn’t. But then, I’m from a small town and hate the way makeup looks. Au natural! It’s no great surprise that I’d never heard from this person before, but what on earth made them feel comfortable sending me an email like that remains a mystery. I suppose the anonymity of the internet …

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Blush Response 011 – No Make-up Week, Day 2

Wow! Really amazed at all the make-up histories popping up in the comments of the two NMUW posts here, so far. Many similar tales, and quite a few opposing ones, too. Some peeps grew up hating make-up, some were pressured to wear it by their families, others never really liked it to begin with and don’t much bother with it now. Interesting stories to be found here and here. Also, the ladies over at Auntie Wicked have a write up …

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Blush Response 010 – No Make-up Week, Day 1

Hello, and welcome to No Make-up Week! NMUW is curated by Rachel over at RabbitWrite.com. Rachel blogs about sex and intimacy, and all sorts of other stuff, too. When she invited me to participate in No Make-up Week, I jumped at the idea. NMUW is all about exploring our relationship with make-up, and as a person who’s worn make-up since the age of twelve and who dedicates a fair portion of her blog to make-up tutorials and advice, it’s not …

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Blush Response 009 – No Make Up Week, September 20-27

I know it’s Saturday and thus an officially unfavorable blorghhging time, but I seem to have gotten sick [again, I know] and must take advantage of a sudden surge of power to write, so! Next week, September 20 – 27 is No Make-up Week. A whole little network of interpeeps will be sharing their thoughts on this subject across the ‘wub, myself included. I also won’t be wearing any make up, which is actually perfectly normal for me these days, …

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Photo Flurry 050 – Worktime! What’s on your desk?

Time has come to work on new artstuff, which means two things: 1. I’ll be difficult to get a hold of [shush to groaning friends and relatives!]. 2. I’ve set up my work area for the foreseeable future. This process was a bit hasty and it all feels only half-baked, but it’s sufficient for my needs, providing a large, organized area in which to do my thing, with my silver drawing board up, magnets and dry-erase markers handy. I imagine …

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Style Dispatch 014 – Shoot Day

This is an outfit I wore last week to a shoot. When I take pictures of girls, it generally involves a lot of time spent crawling around on the floor and getting into all sorts of bizarre positions to get just the angle I want. This means very casual, verging on hobo, dress code. I don’t usually document these outfits, but it’s only fair that I do, every once in  while. Besides, I love hobo days. COMPONENTS 3/4 sleeve thermal …

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A Kaleidoscope of Links For You

I don’t have as much time for link-sharing as I would like, but here is a small selection of mostly unrelated things I’ve looked at over the past few days. Satoshi Kon, the brilliant creator of Paranoia Agent and Milennium Actress, died two weeks ago. He left behind a rambling, but interesting letter, shedding some light on his last days. The letter’s been translated from Japanese and is online, for now. All sorts of stuff is going on over at …

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Photo Flurry 047 – Woodland Nymphs in Malibu

I’ve been holding on to all of these since early August. All shot on the same day, in the same park, with the same camera. The fairytale pretty much weaves itself when I look at these, you might find it doing the same for you. Models, in order of appearance: Stepho, Amanda, Katie, Catelin.

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Little Horror

Amethyst house’s finally coming together! I know, because we’re actually hanging art. Just now, between packaging prints and roasting more beets [I’m unstoppable], I finally mounted Matt Levin‘s Abject Horror [nice birthday gift, yes?]above the door leading to the office/workroom. He both warns of what lies beyond and protects against eeeevil. I think he may still have a couple left, so contact him if you want one.

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Mmmf 001: Roasted Beets + Citrus Reduction

Less than two years ago I said “I like to cook but don’t really do it”, and now I’m a motherfuckin kitchen master. OK, maybe not quite a master, but I do cook all the time, and love discovering new recipes. Mmmf is my favorite term for something amazingly delicious, thus it is the title of favorite culinary stuffs I post here from now on. Bon appettit! To start, here’s a ridiculously simple step-by-step to lead you to orangy, beety …

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Photo Flurry 046 – In the Golden Afternoon

Today is for taking it easy, wrapping up recent print orders, and tidying the house after the three-day weekend. Labor Day weekend is usually an eerily quiet time here, as everyone’s out of town to catch the last bits of summer, or to commune with the desert spirits at Burning Man. We decided to spend yesterday’s holiday wandering around downtown LA, enjoying the vacant streets and breezy afternoon sunshine, thus stripping ourselves of even more goth points than usual. Alas. …

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Photo Flurry 045 – San Francisco with Ginny, August 2010

Finally, a moment to wade through the hundreds of San Francisco photos. I managed to get this round down to under 100, but it must stop here. It’s been over an hour! I’ve hand-picked a few favorites for the post, and the rest are under the jump in a gallery. To navigate, click an image and then use the bar at the bottom of the window. To start off, here is a photo strip from a booth at the Musee …

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