Style Dispatch

Last week, on the day I was leaving for San Francisco, photographer Lydia Hudgens reached out to me about shooting one of my Style Dispatches.  Though my bags were already packed, I’d literally just seen and dug her photos of my friend Gala, so I agreed. Which reminds me! Photographers: if you’re in LA and want to shoot one of these installments, email me. I’d forgotten how fun it is not shooting them myself.

In a way, I preferred it being done on the fly, actually, because this is just a real outfit I was planning on wearing, not something I hyper-styled especially for a shoot.

You’ll be pleased to hear that I’m still sticking to my Spartan Resolution, and not buying clothes in 2010. Strangely, more than halfway through the year, I haven’t really felt any pangs  of desire. It could just be the fact that I have a TON of clothes, or all the moving and travel and general turmoil of the year. Whatever the case, it’s been a fairly easy and interesting experience.

One thing I’ve found is that, even with such restriction, there are things in my closet I just don’t wear. So, unless I find a way to wear some of these things before the year is done, they’re going away forever.

During our shoot, intrepid Lydia and I hoped to find a way to break into one of the beautifully-decrepit condemned buildings near the water. In my experience, these types of massive, ghostly warehouses tend to have the best light beating through dusty, broken windows. Breaking in, however, proved impossible because of strategically-placed guards, so we found other neighboring locations.


Even MOAR pictures below!