A break from our regular programming, folks, as this is a bit of an emergency. If you’re in or new Los Angeles, please listen up and take a moment to think if you know anyone who could help.

This is Robbie. Robbie was adopted by our landlord a couple of months ago, before he realized that the pup is too big to play with his 5-year old kid, and vice versa. Now, Robbie needs a new home, by Friday.

He’s about a year and half, and has had kind of a rough life. He needs a home with a large yard and someone who can devote a couple of hours daily to playing with him. He’s fun-loving and very energetic, and gets sad if he doesn’t get to exercise and socialize. He protects his home and sometimes that means barking, but he can be trained. He sits, shakes hands, and rolls over. He wouldn’t be good for a house with kids under 10 y.o., just because he’s a big boy and might knock a little one over while playing. He is really, very sweet and curious, loves hugs and having his belly scratched. He has the personality of a class clown and by the grace of Einstein, if I had a huge house with a huge yard I would be keeping him forever and ever.

If you, or anyone you know can adopt him, please, please contact me ASAP. Tweet and Facebook the hell out of this post. There are just two days left before he’s taken to a pound.