Photo Flurry

I believe the above image accurately sums up our NYC stay so far. A and I have been staying at Molly Crabapple and Fred Harper‘s bohemian wonderland of a studio, going on extensive walks through the city and exploring the ever-unfolding aspects of this place. A is already trying to build a case for moving here, to which I respond with approval of NYC as a winter residence. The scorching, humid summers however? No, thank you.

Despite the constant battle against the spiteful elements, it’s been a beautiful trip. I’ve met so, so many excellent people, and got to catch up with old friends, too. We’ve walked through night-time Chelsea and sipped mint iced tea in Williamsburg, consumed incredible steaks at Dumont and art at Joshua Liner and Last Rites galleries, inhaled raspberry hookah smoke and looted CB’s I Hate Perfume gallery. I even had my parachute dress soiled by an angry ice cream man with a neck tattoo! It’s safe to say this trip is a sensory feast.

I also touched Molly’s reverse mermaid inappropriately.

Today, we’re moving camp to Samantha‘s, whom I’ve missed sorely since her move back to New York from LA. Which reminds me that it’s time to scrub off last night’s glitter and get to it. Four more days!