Photo Flurry - Page 13

Oh. Hello.

Went to the Huntington Library. Took lots of pictures, some of which will soon be up for your perusal on Coilhouse as part of a new installment of Zo! Style Technician. Tonight Miss Riot and I are off to do a signing of the new coffee table book we’ve been working on at a club. But first – photos! Ladies, he’s single!

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Ginny took this of me at the ranch shoot on Saturday. Before that I took this one of her. I received something wonderful in the mail tonight: a worn book of gypsy folklore, with three riddles between the pages. Physical mail is one of my absolute favorites. It’s selfish – I almost never ever have time to reciprocate, but I love it all the same. So thank you.

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It’s just after midnight. My dear comrades Nadya and Mer have left me to my own devices after a rather epic meeting of the minds [and their hot meat-vessels]. Dogs are howling outside and the fog-cocoon is glowing especially bright tonight. I hope it stays a while. I planned to take this long holiday weekend to myself and do absolutely nothing but read. Instead, I was on the move the entire time. This turned out to be helpful in getting …

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Buy Knife Hits

Lou O’Bedlam has a new book of medium format hotness, titled Knife Hits. I even have my own spread. You should get yourself a copy, soon. Limited run of 150! This was one of the last shoots I did with blue hair. Back to black again, which means you need the book even more, of course.

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Camera go BOOM

Dear goo-haters whose comments didn’t get approved [mom, is that you?], I’ve decided you simply fear what you cannot understand and I want to help! You see, the goo was not really alien slime, no matter how badly we may wish it had been. Instead it was this mix from a science supply shop. Perfectly artificial and mixed in a bucket before my very eyes. As we move forth from this, try to understand that I enjoy posing for [and …

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Where you might observe that I mostly come out at night and don’t care about focus as much as I probably should. I need a zoom lens. Tumult over Bergamot Station Wet pavement Sunday At the beginning of this year I was going to try to be part of the 365 project – the one that requires 1 daily self portrait for one year. It turned out to be more time consuming than I could commit to. In any case, …

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My Morning In Pictures

This morning I had a shoot with one of my favorite photographers, Lou O’ Bedlam. We traveled to the wilds of Beverly Hills for a bit of nature and a lot of mosquitoes. What’s a little bloodshed in the name of art, right? Lou mostly shot medium format film but we did get a few Polaroids, see. Between this, Friday’s slumber party and the Jules Verne Festival at the Edison last night, it’s been a weekend well-spent. By the way, …

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Tequila Sunrise

This weekend I took part in a mini slumber party at the Castle. Lumi, MarZ and I listened to our old companion Sol Invictus, drank mango margaritas and pored over the Codex Seraphinianus in bed. I’m convinced this needs to become a tradition and am willing to host the next one. There are several reasons I prefer drinking Tequila when I do drink. One is the almost fevered energy levels the morning after. We woke just in time to watch …

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It Lives

I’ve gone 100% into Mission Mode. Apologies for lack of contact, posts, outfit photos, etc. I got distracted while photographing a sketch a few minutes ago, so here is a little something. I’m alive. Alive. Realized that my home base is pretty damn goth when I thought about decorating for Halloween. Short of filling this place with blood, there is  nothing that can be done! More. WW1 postcards I found in a tiny thrift shop in Paris, jar of cicadas, …

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Vital Signs

There is, sometimes, a compulsion to write as a way of collecting, organizing. At the present, however, I am preoccupied with too much and that means you only get photos, this time. Proof of life, some indication that things happened and they happened well and by the whiskers of Einstein there are more things on the way. I went to New York and saw many, many beautiful people, sparkling jewels, towering wigs and elaborate costumes. I photographed just when I …

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