I’ve spent the past two weekends away and suddenly have an overabundance of images to shove your way, before they recess into the Flickr void. As I shake the last bits of sand from my hair and photos from this weekend download, here are some favorites from the most recent San Francisco excursion, all clickable for embiggening.

First, a tiny dog I met in Berkley. His name is Punk Rock, though we may never know why. Stopped briefly at its owners’ place while waiting for a ride. Punk Rock hates watermelons.

Second is a shadowy lady friend I call Eso. She was very hungry and had gone a great distance to have dinner with me that night. Fortunately Basil, the restaurant where we ended up, was the best Thai I’d had in ages. I miss Eso so.

Third is me, captured in digital by Shane while posing in a handmade ruff for one Kat Bret. We played a bit after wrapping the official business of shooting new jewelry from Contraptions Studio. There is one picture finished from this so far, here. Much more “fashion” than I’m used to, but that’s the best aspect of modeling as far as I’m concerned – being transformed, yanked out of my element, forced to execute unfamiliar roles.

Aforementioned photo shoot was in Alameda – unexplored territory for me. I was immediately enamored with the dusty industrial wasteland speckled with art studios, grocery shacks and the occasional franchise. A remarkably hobo-free zone.

The second photo is reminiscent of a steel centipede.

Eerie vintage violin girl inside Meredith’s car. After the shoot Mer, Shane and I had an excellent Japanese lunch while looking over some Very Important Papers.

Also, the smoky view from atop the Marriott where I sampled a mango mojito and its mint/mango/soda did the unthinkable to my tongue.

Teala’s neck, a building made entirely of corduroy and a blurred pub scene. The latter unfolded well into the night, at the end of which I only knew two things for certain. The rest, here.