Travel - Page 2

Photo Flurry 144: Foggy Lakes and Happy Trees at Plitvice

I have a new Elysium. And this is not mere puffery! Plitvice natural park is so gorgeous, it’s almost obscene in its beauty and deserves every bit of praise below. This 296.85-km² Croatian preserve brazenly flaunts every one of my favorite natural phenomena. Thick fog cloaking everything in a dewy, silver glow: Wet soil bursting with mushrooms, moss and berries: All manner of waterfalls, from burbling to tumultuous: Clear, sprawling lakes and endless walls of foliage: Wandering across meadows, climbing …

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Photo Flurry 142: London Decadence

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After a day spent peacocking along the English coastline it was time to get back to civilization. I was excited to meet Cathy, an internet buddy whose acquaintanceship goes way back to the days of LiveJournal. She generously offered her place, setting up the most adorable little bedroom nest I’ve had the pleasure of seeing, complete with gourmet pillow chocolates and towels. The perfect place to lay down my weary, sun-drained bones. This was my birth month, and I was …

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Breathing Space at 512 hours

This post began as a literal description of 512 Hours, but I changed my mind halfway. I just returned from a weekend in London, where I spent four hours (split between two visits) at 512 Hours – the latest long-form Marina Abramovic performance (/event/experience). I first showed up at Serpentine Gallery on an uncharacteristically hot Saturday afternoon, having made my way past hundreds of swans, flower beds, and cyclists at Hyde Park. The walk to the gallery took almost an …

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Photo Flurry: Kilmainham Jail

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 This post was commissioned by May Patreon raffle winner, Eric Berthelette. Big thanks to the entire Patreon crew for bringing so much within my reach! I love my Dublin neighborhood. The ten-minute walk to Phoenix Park, the IMMA literally across the street, the nearby canals – all of it feels tailor-made, nature and culture right at my doorstep. And right around the corner, a massive piece of history looms, foreboding and grey, drawing lines of tourists daily. Exterior of Kilmainham …

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Skulls, Stuffed Dogs and an Owl – 48 Hours in the UK

On Thursday, I creaked out of bed at 3AM, put on a semblance of a face, and zoomed to the airport to catch the 6:30 flight to Manchester. It was my first time in Manchester, I hadnt’s seen the UK in ages, and that night, my friend Paul Koudounaris had his first European photography exhibit – in a church, no less! If you’re unfamiliar with Paul’s work, have a stroll around his wiki page and adjoined linkage. You might also …

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A Weekend in Galway

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It’s been just over a week since the big Biorequiem relaunch. Big thanks are in order for the warm reception and feedback I’ve received – you’ve helped make this a most enjoyable homecoming! Since my previous post, I’ve been busy signing and shipping the new Alien Botany prints, and am pleasantly surprised to let you know that Toxic Desiderius Papilionem is almost gone from the shop – there are just six of these prints left. We spent this past weekend in …

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