Blog - Page 30

Art, style, space adventures

Tequila Sunrise

This weekend I took part in a mini slumber party at the Castle. Lumi, MarZ and I listened to our old companion Sol Invictus, drank mango margaritas and pored over the Codex Seraphinianus in bed. I’m convinced this needs to become a tradition and am willing to host the next one. There are several reasons I prefer drinking Tequila when I do drink. One is the almost fevered energy levels the morning after. We woke just in time to watch …

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Deathrock Riot in Versailles

I absolutely have to work on a piece for a group show today, but before I even get out of bed I must jot down this dream. Apologies for the sleep-drenched prose ahead. Lumi and I were away in New York for a deathrock festival of some kind, thought it was neither DoV or Drop Dead. The entire thing took place in a lavish palace, the likes of which the U.S. have never seen – it was more akin to …

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It Lives

I’ve gone 100% into Mission Mode. Apologies for lack of contact, posts, outfit photos, etc. I got distracted while photographing a sketch a few minutes ago, so here is a little something. I’m alive. Alive. Realized that my home base is pretty damn goth when I thought about decorating for Halloween. Short of filling this place with blood, there is  nothing that can be done! More. WW1 postcards I found in a tiny thrift shop in Paris, jar of cicadas, …

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Stricken with a three day migraine. I should probably not be looking at the screen, but before I flee, accept my humble offering of photos. I bought these headphones from Skullcandy and hawt damn! I dig ’em. Click photo for even more photos, because there are never, ever enough photos. Oh god, my eyes.

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What day is this?

It’s been an intense “weekend” of camping at a hotel, shooting two models, dressing up [wore these], running downtown to the Hive for the reception [lovely surprise: ran into my mom and Q], finally eating, collapsing into hotel bed back in Hollywood, only to wake up at 7 to shoot again. Very tired, but I did have excellent French toast croissant at Grub with Ross and The D a few hours ago. Wee Micron peacefully slumbers at my feet, exhausted …

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Vital Signs

There is, sometimes, a compulsion to write as a way of collecting, organizing. At the present, however, I am preoccupied with too much and that means you only get photos, this time. Proof of life, some indication that things happened and they happened well and by the whiskers of Einstein there are more things on the way. I went to New York and saw many, many beautiful people, sparkling jewels, towering wigs and elaborate costumes. I photographed just when I …

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Gentlemen, Halt Your Engines

I type this from a couch in Shien’s living room. The flight went well, the cab ride was appropriately terrifying and the welcome was warm. The aforementioned piece of furniture seems to take issue with basic laws of physics and is trying to throw me across the room with its deadly wobble. A pallid German is feeding me vodka, because almost everyone in the place is asleep besides me. It’s not working. On Sunday I’ll be walking for AzAc at …

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Nectar Coma

a.k.a “Let me tell you a secret about honey”. Ink, digital. This is a crop, a fragment, a secret peek at a new piece I’ve torn from my brain-womb for a huge group show at the Hive gallery, titled “BeeRotica”. What you see is a little honey-glazed darling, caught up in the arduous task of auto-erotic fellatio. I’m excited about the show for several reasons: it’s been a while since I’ve shown at the Hive, I love the exhibit’s theme …

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