It’s been the sort of day that leaves one unable to compose a sentence, let along a blog post. Yet I insist on flooding your RSS feeds with nonsense. Endure!

Received another present today, this time from my roommate: The Kama Sutra. I’ve been looking at the illustrations in confusion, calling her into my bedroom and pleading for clarity though none has come, yet. If you’re still not sure what I want this year, here is a hint or two. Or three. Four? PROVIDE.

Tomorrow morning Agent D and I are off to Toronto. Plans involve art, latex, dangerous shoes and exploring more of the city than I had a chance to during my last visit. If you are in the area on Thursday, do pay Plastikwrap a visit – I’ll be hosting my art reception and celebrating a number they tell me is 28. I may or may not wear fuchsia. Never before seen art, limited edition prints and Zoetica+Plastikwrap T-shirts await!
