Photo Flurry

How to Paint a Two-bedroom House in 24 Hours…

…Is a post I would write if at least half of my normal brain activity was in effect. Since that’s not the case, allow me to instead plop these here photos on your screen, say “I can’t believe we Duddits!”, and attempt to soak the throbbing pain away in a bath of herbs and Jojoba oil. Also, I know the following picture is crooked and I’ll try to take it again when I can hold anything steady.

This is what you see when standing at the end of the little hallway between the bedroom and the rest of the house.

That’s the gold bathroom, right next to the lilac and lavender bedroom.

Here be the sea-foam and coral kitchen, ready for hawtt cooking action.

The black cherry and deep sea-foam workroom, and a little piece of the mustard green living room, plus a view of the bedroom from the deck.

The silver bathroom. Thus concludes our mini-tour.

I can’t feel my legs.