Blog - Page 35

Art, style, space adventures

From the world via Twitter


meat, bear and cake = a day well-spent. weeee! # things have taken a turn for the worst. # The ceiling was foggy and tiny pools of salt water gathered inside my ears. # @angelcityblues Haven’t been to the ER yet – putting up posters all morning :( Going soon. # @angelcityblues not at the moment but thank you. Just trying to talk to shelters, to no avail. Eternal holds, etc. Blugh. #

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From the world via Twitter


Modeling gig yesterday included corset, rope, bubbles, a ducky & several yards of fake blue hair. Cronenberg retrospective tonight? Perhaps. # we’re gonna do this the Scanner way. I will suck out everything you are! # At Milk. Planning a cupcake attack, most likely Blue Velvet. # Heading out to @lunabella ‘s with The D and The Moo – birthday funs and BBQ for all! #

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From the world via Twitter


Today on COILHOUSE: Russian Women – The Real Truth! # @escapist to me: You wield the English language as a fencer wields her foil. #

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From the world via Twitter


i love Thai iced coffee. Watching the cream billow beneath the ice cubes as i prod them with my straw. Sucking it in through my teeth. # Tired at 10 pm. Something’s amiss. Will reading Vurt keep me up? #

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From the world via Twitter


strange phenomenon: i pull into my garage and find people sitting in their parked cars. only chance to be alone? # goddamn it’s nice to wake up with the sun #

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Because you’ve asked

Here are some examples of what I stuff my face with on a good day. Breakfast = A fruit smoothie. Today’s was bananas, strawberries, enhanced soy milk and honey. Not shown: coffee. Lunch = Carrots to be eaten separately, almonds to be mixed into the cale+purple cabbage+honey+peanut dressing salad.

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