
I think I might be typing this from beyond the grave. Today I:

  1. Woke up, evaluated condition
  2. Realized I was, possibly, even more sick than yesterday [ sweet!]
  3. Found a way to cope by slumping over a desk, refusing to speak, and drawing from 9am to 2pm
  4. Made the best garlic mashed potatoes I’ve ever made. Coincidentally, the first time I ever made garlic mashed potatoes.
  5. Retreated back to bed, where we watched Inglorious Basterds

That’s all I got. Except this – a sneaky peek at the commission I managed to start and finish today. The client asked me to draw a figure reminiscent of a blend between Neil Gaiman’s Death and Delirium. Could any request have been more appropriate, considering my present state? Probably not. I’ll post the entire thing once she’s safely in his hands.


And also this – what appears to be the only photo of me with Josh, A and Kevin from Bats and Cats Masquerade, courtesy of Amy.

Because it’s funny and you know it.
