This unique version of Honeydrip is now available to you. Created specifically for the Induced Epidemics exhibit at the Museum of Death and measuring roughly 14×30″, this is the only print of its kind. This size and color combination of lush caramel and strawberry marzipan will never be available again, so if you dig it, the time is now. The print is unframed and will be your friend for a mere $299 + shipping.
If only I wasn’t pretty much broke right now…being a student has its setbacks, I guess. Hah.
I’m assuming you make your patterns yourself They look as if they take forever with such intricate detailing…
That’s a STEAL. Damn my need to be fiscally responsible.
It’s a beauty of a print too, especially the little details that differ it from the other versions of this. The face alone remains my favorite part…