Photo Flurry - Page 6

Photo Flurry 097 – Weekend Warriors

This weekend: a visit to Blacklickorish latex studio + Conjoined closing party + watching Tango and Cash + making Manhattans + watching terrible music videos in bed + a day at the museum + sushi feast + sexy coffee time It seems inconceivable to an 80s action movie enthusiast such as myself, but I’d never seen Tango and Cash until this weekend. It’s packed full of hilarious one-liners, Kurt Russel continuously getting his ass handed to him and Stallone in a …

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Photo Flurry 096 – Sundrops

It’s fair to say that I love my work. [Some people might suggest it would also be fair to say that I’m a filthy, antisocial art hermit, but we won’t listen to them, no.] Painting, drawing, writing, shooting – all of it, love. But making time for actual lifestuff has become a vital aspect of my existence over the past two years. I’m increasingly fascinated with the idea of superior time-management – of finding my ideal balance between work and …

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Photo Flurry 095 – Conjoined 2: The Sequel in 3D

Good morning! Closer to noon here, actually, as I’ve managed to inexplicably sleep past 10 for the second day in a row. After several minutes of cold-sweat-panic and confusion, I’m now enjoying it with a mug of homemade mocha and a pile of photos to dig through. First up, a few shots from the Conjoined reception. Below is me with my Alien Botany paintings – don’t let the squint-face fool you, it was a super-fun night! To finally finish not …

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Photo Flurry 093 – Work, Ramen, Pictures

It’s a busy January, between finishing paintings for this Saturday’s reception, working on interviews and photos for ChinaShop, drawings for tattoo commissions and a pinup for Occupy Comics. I’ve also started Spring cleaning early – a few fancies are out on eBay as we speak. On Monday, I managed to escape the toil and spend a day with my mom. I love, LOVE ramen. Real Japanese ramen, not the packaged dry sort, and I finally introduced mom to this magical concoction. …

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Photo Flurry 092 – Work // Play

The past few days have been filled with shoots and interviews and catching up with some of the ridiculously talented people I’m glad to call friends in the midst of it all, while ferociously digging into One Hundred Years of Solitude. On page 180 now. Today I’m diving back into a painting, in hopes of being able to wrap by the 18th. Time for serious caffeination and concentration. This is from my documentation of the Silverlake Zombie thing a couple …

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Photo Flurry 091 – A Very Special Holiday Telescope

All I knew about my New Year’s present from A was that it was something spectacular. Every time we had guests in December, he’d take them to his laptop and conspiratorially show them, to the sound of inevitable WOWs. It didn’t arrive -in two big, heavy boxes carried by grumpy UPS employees-  until the two days prior to NYE. Our friends Allan and Ulorin came over for the big reveal, which elevated the suspense to a fever pitch. I battled layers of …

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Photo Flurry 090 – D4RT Incentives, Firesky, Fragments

Yesterday was the day of Grand Shippening. All of last week’s print orders are off, along with D4RT incentives. If all goes well, said incentives [aside from commissioned drawings] will be with my backers before the end of the year. Calculating postage for 150 oddly-shaped envelopes was rather complicated, but my awesome D4RT intern Celia and I were as diligent as time allowed, so I hope not to have to deal with returns. Also, if you haven’t spent two hours …

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Photo Flurry 089 – Holiday Fern is Complete

Our New Year’s tree is now complete and man, does it smell great in here. The massive cookie candle helps, as well. If you’re a new reader: though I don’t celebrate Christmas, welcoming the New Year is a big deal around here. Read about Russian New Year’s customs here, toward the second half of the article. The doll head isn’t a “Russian thing”, by the way – that’s just my special touch.

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Photo Flurry 086 – First Round of Prints Sailing Away

On Monday, the first batch of limited edition and other prints is heading out of their dim, inky womb and into your warm embraces. You have until Sunday night to get your orders in. The next rounds will ship out on the 5th, 12, the 19th and once more some time after the 26th, and then that’s all folks. Everything you see in the shop now will go away on December 31st to make room. Small bursts of art, merch, …

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Photo Flurry 085 – Halloween’s Wake

I wonder how many of you get a little wistful after Halloween. TV networks stop re-running vintage horror flicks, pumpkins disappear from stoops and seeing ghosts on every other street corner  becomes a rarity once again. This year I’m just going to keep the spooky-time spirit alive and bask in scary movies, pumpkin spiced coffee and candlelight all winter long, while I hole up making new artstuffs. Not that it’s really winter here, but you know what I mean. Last week, I …

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Photo Flurry 084 – The Yantaló Kindergarten Muraling!

Besides teaching the art workshop, part of my Peru mission was to create a mural at the Yantaló school. Between time constrains, missing paint and enormous, fume-loving flying ants, this was no easy task! The paint had to be acquired in Lima, before my arrival, by a rep from the Yantaló Peru Foundation, and not everything was available. We scoured the hospital construction site for a primer, walking away with several cans of what turned out to be completely solidified, …

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Photo Flurry 082 – D4RT Debriefing

I’ve been back from Peru for just over two weeks, plunging into playing hostess to an important house guest immediately upon my return. Between all the D4RT prep, the epic journey itself and family obligations that followed, it was as good a time as any to put some distance between myself and the internet, plugging in mostly to keep up with current events and reference-hunt for articles. I can’t say that I’m back now – I’m still working out the …

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