Hello! This is post #600 on this version of BioRequiem. I will celebrate. Also, a few things:

I’ve been researching the Uyghur people in spare moments. This part of my heritage is fairly mysterious to me, as my Uyghur grandfather was an orphan and knew nothing of his tribe. Because I don’t have any serious time to dedicate, I’ve learned little, so far: 1. seems modern Uyghurs are fairly set on starting shit in China. 2. Uyghur women have exciting hair and dances. Also, I adore the music in the video below.

Skipping days with the 365 project, but that’s not exactly new.  Still, here:


Working a lot, though it doesn’t feel like enough. Since I don’t think I could sleep any less and function, I need a time-extension machine.

Need new wine glasses. This may not sound serious, but if you knew how many of them I break with regularity, you’d understand.


  • Laguna Beach in an hour
  • Las Vegas in 2 weeks
  • possibly San Francisco the last weekend of February
  • London and Paris in April
  • China soon? I hope so.