Style Dispatch


The purpose of this Dispatch is, in addition to showing you what I think is a pretty cute Spring outfit, to prove that, despite my hideously massive clothing collection, I wear the same things all the time. All the more reason to stick to my Spartan Resolution, I say! Which reminds me, since Issue 05 is soon to move into the design stage, I’ll begin auctioning off much of said collection next month, thus moving fast on my way to a streamlined and elegant wardrobe OF DOOM. My madness is your gain!



I snapped these  bad boys in LACMA’s Rodin garden while waiting for and installment of the Tarkovsky retrospective. It was a perfect day – the sun was out and the wind was just cold enough for it to be official jacket weather. Is there a place where it’s this way all the time?



The Ingredients


I’m letting my hair do what it wants, mostly out of curiosity. Since I’m no longer straightening it regularly , it rewards me with soft messy curls and serious volume. I’m hoping for enough patience to get it looking a little like this mane of yesteryear, but blue.


