Let’s play a little catch-up, shall we? I’ve had these files on my desktop for days and, in some cases, weeks. Prepare for hawtt non sequitur akshun. First up, some satisfied customers. A bunch of the peeps who bought my stickers took pictures. If you have photos with my wares, send them over and I’ll post them here, in due time. If you don’t have any of my wares yet, head on down to the shop and get you some! …
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You might have seen the striking imagery from the This is Not an Invitation to Rape Me campaign before. This image in particular has stayed with me ever since I first saw it some years back. The campaign, started in early ’90s, struck out against the “she asked for it” mentality. With a series of television commercials and stark black and white images with the campaign slogan on them, This Is Not An Invitation To Rape Me dispelled misconceptions of …
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Have you heard? The fourth issue of Coilhouse magazine is out and ready for love. According to everyone’s favorite Space Bastard, Warren Ellis, COILHOUSE is, as ever, a huge slab of a cultural object, and a stone fucking bargain at $15 American plus postage. This link leads to an extensive post about the contents of this issue, which features Grant Morrison, Alejandro Jodorowsky, cover girl Kristamas Klousch, and many, many more. You can pick up your Coilhouse 04 here. For …
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It’s Christmas and no one’s online, so while I have this moment to myself I will sneak these photos of holiday cheer, LACHSA-style. Two of my oldest friends, Lumi and Josh, share a birthday on December tenth and occasionally celebrate together – this was such an occasion. Birthday hobo. These birthdays tend to turn into high school reunions and when you are a person who attended an arts high school, reunions are pure illicit merriment. The party was vagrant-themed and …
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I did something I shouldn’t ever do, which is let a few weeks’ worth of photos build up on my machine. Not good, not good at at all, because THIS is what happens when I do it. An avalanche of information and visuals, instead of manageable bite-sized bleep and bloops. Too late for regret now, so sit back and open wide. First up, last week’s print orders, among them the Orange Cream version of Honeydrip and colored-in Endless Commission. I …
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I took these pictures of Jhonen Vasquez earlier this week, because it was time. Imagine this being the top result for your Google image search for the past six years. Sure, it’s cute at first, but then you start getting boxes of baby seals in the mail and the fun stops. Two of these are clickable.
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Enjoying the silence, are we? If not, please accept my apologies – I’ve been sick. Sick for almost two weeks now, in fact. Like so many self-employed Americans I do not have health insurance, which has me in the interesting position of needing to find an affordable doctor. Tea and bed don’t seem to be doing their usual trick and I am so very, very sick of being sick and unproductive. Update: went to the doctor today. The visit was …
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Last week marked two years since the Coilhouse blog launched in October 2007. To commemorate the occasion, Nadya, Mer and I sat at our respective web-cams across the globe and made videos which Mer edited together to create the birthday masterpiece below. I invite you to read our two-year anniversary post here. While we’re on the subject of birthdays, Lou O’Bedlam had one, along with a celebratory barbecue. Ever since my days of adventuring down South, I’ve been fascinated with …
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Alive after a whirlwind photo-adventure in Arizona. I have a Biorequiem To-Do list which includes shop updates, a new Style Dispatch post featuring my cape, and a very special eyebrow tutorial for Blush Response. Unfortunately, I’ve been stricken with a brutal migraine/fever combo which has me in aggressive recovery mode until the weekend. And what a magnificent weekend it should be! I’m especially looking forward to introducing Ales to the Dia De Los Muertos festivities at the Hollywood Forever cemetery, …
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Feeling fresh n’ sassy because I got a grand total of thirty minutes to poke through the photos accumulating on my hard drive last night! This post is dedicated to the LA Noir art show – the one I made The Centipede and Rachael for. Here are a few photos I managed to snap between sipping Manhattans, ogling all the art and being fabulous in an outfit I really wish I’d documented. As I’d mentioned before, the exhibit was held …
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A quick “Hello, new week!” in the form of a short Photo Flurry from Saturday’s excellent photo-excursion with Lou O’Bedlam and Ian Broyles. These are some of Ian’s pictures, taken in the 2nd Street tunnel and in the back of Lou’s automobile. You might recognize the tunnel’s jade glow from such fine films as The Terminator and Blade Runner. Or you might not. Was reminded of just how different casual, very-nearly-unplanned shoots are from mega-styled and costumed ones, though both …
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Hello meine lieblinge and welcome to the very first installment of Photo Flurry. I can’t be certain whether all of these will have a theme, but this one does: 1. fire and cobalt 2. night. And while I have your attention: at 8pm ET this Thursday evening tune into G4 for Women of the Web to see me do something hideous to Kevin Pereira. Sort of. And now, on to the photos for I have said too much. Completely un-edtied, …
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[Since this site is getting revamped within the next few weeks, I don’t want to do much posting until it is complete. Visual stimuli, now.] Hotel balcony in Encinitas, on the way home from Comic Con with Nadya.
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It’s been radio silence with the exception of the Monster? announcement, I know. This time not only work is to blame, but let me assure you that all is well. How well I can’t say just yet, however I do have some exciting things to share. The biggest news, is that Coilhouse Magazine’s Issue 3 is now available. Click here for a tour! In addition to the Inform/Inspire/Infect section dividers I illustrated “Now Do You Understand the Meaning of Life?” …
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Hello, my dearest internetionals. The time has come for me to share my latest and to ask the pressing question: What is up? As for me, 1. Weather Talking about the weather is acceptable when it’s an absolutely perfect morning. I woke up a little past 6am to the sound of rain crashing into the windows. Am now merged with couch, laptop and a mug of what’s supposed to be coffee but is mostly caramel sauce. Candles and writing mode …
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